Below are some quick tips on how to navigate this website:
Click on Scott Hampton Photography (upper left) to get back to the Home
While on the Home Page you can cycle throught the thunbnails and select
the collection you want to view. You must then click/tab on the larger image above to
enter that particular collection.
Slideshow automatically rotates image approximately every five seconds. Alternatively, you can swipe, drag (mouse), and even use the arrows on your keyboard to cycle through the photographs and/or thumbnails.
You can click/tap on the photo to get a description.
This time Mother Nature left some clouds behind..... HOWEVER, Most of the good clouds disappeared about 30 minutes before this sunset. What a surprise!
Below are some general directions on how to install your Desktop Wallpaper.
It is difficult to give exact directions because everyone’s browser/device works differently (i.e. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer.) Basically, find an appropriate resolution (i.e. 1920 x 1200) and then click to download. Click/Tap or right-click on file after downloading and hopefully a menu will appear. Select "Set as Wallpaper" or "Set as desktop background."
My name is Scott and this is my second major website revision for I am an IT pro but not a website designer. My old photography website was very ‘’static’’ looking and needed to be moved into the modern world. Luckily I was able to find an app that helped me move my website into the modern age! As a result, this site is currently in development and has minimal navigational (or any other) features at this time(November 2015.)